Camera obscura“Iridescent splinters and liquified crumbs Of my punished spirit Have ceased to gush beyond Its ever more towering walls. I am sentenced to bear The remnants of my existence In the darkness of a cave Whose entrances have crashed -It seems for eons- Into silent chasms. I am sentenced to cast shadows On frozen barriers Only with the flames Of my smouldering eyes. Still, mortals’ lifetimes have passed Since I have forsaken the desire To scratch messages of despair On these labyrinthine corridors, Ask for celestial mercy Or howl in pain So that I would let myself be fooled By a phantom echo into believing There are others trapped as well. No more do I gather crumbs Of evanescent light Filtered through titanic stones Which seem to bear entire worlds On their colossal shoulders. No more do I seek answers Which do not spring from within. My hidden dreams are nurtured Until they substitute My bleak reality. Thus do I not weep For the life I have forsaken, As I live in the realm Forged by my shimmering thoughts.” The Wanderer’s pondering Is suddenly arrested As the aureole of a masterful being Whose strength of mind Bears no mortal boundaries Floods the darkness of the cavern. “The mirror has faded,” The Wanderer sighs. *** Enshrined in solemn contemplation, A sphinx beholds the world Through marble eyes And painted thoughts. In the rhythm of raw eternity, She shields the globe’s gargantuan spin From our gathering gaze. Her haunting lidless glance Has touched many a light and shadow, Creeping into the blackened crevices Of countless lost souls. Yet none could answer her riddle And thus were consumed Into whispering ash. The treacherous query Flooding the statuesque lips Of the Marble-Eyed Seer Ran thus: “What wanes with the ageing of the heart, Feeds Man’s greatest fears and hopes, And dwells in the serpentine passageway Between Palpable and Dream? Tell me, young pilgrim, What is life’s greatest adornment And I shalt free thee of thine damnation. Wrong me not, for if thee does, Thine heart shalt belong to the Abyss No life can ever cling to”. *** Her first visit was to a soul Whose majestic blinking life Was spent in the belief That its mighty rule Would scar the world For a thousand years. Its retribution had been To forever bear its wounded’s pain, The agonizing waste of spirit Its will had sentenced, The crushed hopes That it would live evermore. As the Seer approached, Gilding its gloom from afar, The soul moaned, “My future is dimly lit, So feel free to bring a candle”. It claimed the answer to the riddle Was “Ambition – it gives life to legend, Drives Man to surpass all boundaries, Cripples the weak and favours the visionary.” No sooner had its thoughts taken wing Than Oblivion swept off the sand In its fleeting hourglass And bore its existence Into Nothingness. *** Another millennial cage Succumbed to the Seer’s will, Opening like the petals Of a weak flower Kept too much in the shade. Another soul Plagued by desires too great Slowly melted Into the vastness Of a cadaverous plain, Bereft of horizon, Of scars, Of silhouettes. When questioned, Its broken face Beamed with pride and delight. “Beyond the shadow of a doubt, Thirst for Knowledge is my answer, For it nurtures Both fright of the unknown, Of the absurd, of the unplanned, And hope to someday ensnare The powers of the world, Humbling them to our own will. The quest for certitudes Will set the crown upon the brow Of a Man No longer chasing chimaeras in the dark, But grasping new strengths On every flash of light Shed upon the universe.” The Seer snarled, “In thine eyes, To know is to enslave. Yet proof shalt I grant thee That there are powers One could never challenge. Away with thee, Wraith!” A swirl of pallid dust Clad the spirit Into a moaning haze, Smothering Its very last gasp. *** “What mirror is that Which fadest in thine eyes?”, A glittering voice From beyond earthly eons Shed light upon the raven walls. “I have always wondered Whether the universe is merely a mirror, A vast, broken mirror, Whose distorted reflections We who perish take for granted. Perhaps our every step is guided By unseen forces, Concealed beyond its deceiving glass, Who keep us from cutting ourselves In its splinters.” “Hast death answered thine doubts?” “Nay. Your entrance Past the walls of my damnation Has proven the wisdom of my thoughts. Death Only brought me closer To my entangled mind. Death Only gave me time To weave an inner world Sheltered from the deafening growl Of damned civilisation. My own, My very own, Camera obscura.” “Share the colours of thine world!” “I see hieroglyph birds Sketched upon clouds, Clouds which are in fact Spirits of old Whose wild, dreamlike orbits Spin so swiftly they become blurred To our human grasp. The stars I see Flooding the skies With silvery silk Are actually the relics Of Argus’s charmed glance. They are guardians sent from afar, So eager to convince us There is nothing beyond Their flickering wings of flame. The rivers of the wind, In twisting swirls and harsh voices, Gather all the feelings of the world And then crash with incantatory wails, Giving shape to hovering temples. I dare to paint each sunrise With the piercing rays Of a human’s iris And each tranquil lake With radiant feathers Stolen from goddesses’ wings. I see your eyes As footsteps of moonbeams, So translucid That I recognise myself mirrored In their vast shimmering halls, Yet so strikingly consistent That I feel I could cling to their rays And swiftly take to the air.” A gleaming yet terrible smile Fluttered across her lips: “What mirror is that Which keeps mortals’ doom From the rivers of eternity? Solve my riddle, youthful pilgrim, And I shalt break the mirror Between thine dreams and thine damnation. Thine creation shalt draw breath In unison with its artisan. What sayest thee?” “And if I fail?” “The Abyss awaits.” “Alas! I have lived a thousand lives, I have vanquished sufferance, I have unleashed my farthest visions. Your tempting offer Is the only one I wish to conquer still. I envisage the depths of my deed, And I accept!” *** Little pondering had the Wanderer spent On the riddle that had claimed so many souls When he decided to speak once more: “’Tis Imagination, That which only the heart can diminish, That which exists neither in dream nor in reality, That which strengthens our fear of the unknown And grants, to artists, inspiration, To lovers, glimpses of perfection, To inventors, the gift of shifting the world’s course, To paupers, lives of careless kings, To the blind, sight beyond eye’s measure, To storytellers, the power to make listeners Submerge into his realm of mystery and mischief. I cannot think of a greater adornment Life has bestowed upon our humble being.” The marble eyes twinkled with brief delight. “Thy wits have not failed thee yet. He who gave the answer To mine harshest riddle Is liberated From the gods’ twiddling caprice, From Death’s tightening grasp, From deceiving mirrors And mirrored deceptions. Let the curtain lift!” Wings of white flame Gently laid the Wanderer’s thoughts Upon the barren ground, Where they took shape As sky, as sea, as earth, Swiftly eroding The once impenetrable walls of old. A thousand Sisyphus rolled their stones For the very last time, Crumbling the foundations of the perished cave. The thunderous roar of crippled rock Echoed victoriously in the pounding Of the Wanderer’s regained heartbeats. When the wings of flame Finally gave birth To the Silence Of innocent beginnings, The Marble-Eyed Seer, Drowned in her tears Of wisdom and late endings, Whispered, “It is finished.” And then she felt, She knew, She was No more. *** The unblemished aura Of a thousand years of shaping Reflected rays From the very furnaces Of the Wanderer’s mind. His own, His very own Camera obscura Breathed in a single sigh Alongside its creator. |
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